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House Rules

Started by ionela, May 20, 2010, 08:49:56 AM

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Welcome to TotalMush forum!
This is a forum intended for discussions about plants and fungi, gardens and culture methods, both practice and theory.

There are a few rules to obey:

1. Create only one account. Multiple identities are not tolerated.
2. Respect the topics and the main boards whenever you create new topics.
3. Avoid off topic debates.
4. Use proper vocabulary, grammar and spelling.
5. Avoid insults, malicious remarks and thursts at other members.
6. Respect other members' viewpoints. "Voice" your Pros and Cons and remain polite.
7. Advertise your bussines here and give us the same right on your site.
8. Respect the copyright laws! TM forum is not responsible for the content of your posts.
9. Avoid erasing your posts and editing them in order to falsify their original content.
10. Respect the Admin's decissions.
11. Be an active member!

Deliberate disrespect of these rules will result in bannig or erasing your TM account.

Now that you know the House Rules, introduce yourself to us and join the party ;)

"One who conquers himself is greater than another who conquers a thousand times a thousand on the battlefield."