Started by diana, February 21, 2007, 08:51:10 PM

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Claude, ti-au sosit trandafirii?
Eu astept din Italia 4, dar dupa 1 martie...


Era draguţ daca ii primeai pe 14......... ;)


De ce dragut? Eu i-am comandat... :-\
Tin minte cand am primit odata o periuta de dinti electrica, nu vreti sa stiti ce s-a intamplat dupa aceea.... =)) =)) =))

Si ce-i pe 14, ca eu sunt cam baba?


Si nu ne dai asa, niste amanunte, de exemplu de ce Italia si nu Olanda si ce-ai gasit acolo incat sa te determine sa faci la ei comanda?  ;;)


Ei, draga Ika, dar este de notorietate la mine, adica sunt de-a dreptul faimoasa pentru asta.... =)) =)) =))
Ebb tide sau Purple Eden.... Numai acolo din toata Europa am gasit!


Aha, am inteles, inseamna ca avem printre noi inca un om fericit ce-si va vedea fixatia inflorind, din vara, in gradina. 
Asteptam poze cu movaliul.  :-bd


Da, aici sunt multi cu fixatii, deci vom avea ce vedea la primavara-vara! =))
Si eu sunt printre cei fericiti! +dns O sa-l pozez si pe dunga!


Nu, Flordel, n-au sosit, i-am comandat, dar am cazut de acord cu ei sa mi-i trimita doar la sfarsitul lui martie, pe cand sa vin n-am unde sa cazez 18 ghivece cu de ce sa le port eu de grija daca inverzesc sau nu, ma gandesc ca poate pe-atunci dau ceva semne de viata asa ca nu ma trezesc cu uscaturi  ;D
"I wish the sky would rain down roses" - George Elliot


asa d-l Bobo dati-ne idei de cheltuiala


Excelente linkurile de la pieceofeden Bobo ! Foarte interesante , explicatii clare si exemplificari cu fotografii , ce mai ... multumesc pentru linkuri !!!

Geodezia , ai face mai bine sa si citesti ce scrie acolo , de aia e foarte valoros linkul pus de Bobo , nu pentru pozici cu floricele l-a pus . Va plangeti ca nu stiti aia , nu stiti ailalta dar nu urmariti decat poze glossy , parca sigurul vostru scop este de unde si ce sa mai cumparati , cum o creste , cum il dirijam , cum il ingrijim ... lasam pe alta data . 


pai acum le salvam si ne punem pe citi ca e o biblioteca acolo ...



Deci si la ei este exact aceeasi situatie, nu avem de ce sa ne plangem noi pe aici. De altfel primesti ce platesti.
Dar eu totusi nu stiu de ce se ceruiesc ramurile. Ca sa se mentina umiditatea sau sa arate frumos?


Sa evite deshidratarea, intr-adevar.Iti dai seama cate saptamani circula pana ajung la stapan.


Am remarcat ca 1 trandafir din cei plantati in iarna, Mutabilis, are ramurile maro. Banuiesc ca nu e de bine. ::)



Cam tot ce pot eu vedea afara din pamant, cam 10 cm.


Nu conteaza, aia era normal mai ales la mutabilis.Nu cumva sa umbli la musuroi, acolo inauntru sa fie cald si daca sunt vreo doi ochi n-ai probleme.
Si la mine asa e la unii, dar vedem ce iese de sub musuroi.Iarna a fost grea si ei saracii au fost cu peripetii.Negreala deasupra musuroiului nu e neaparat o problema.


O traducere de-a lui PZ la un articol de pe site-ul unui comerciant de produse bio pentru gradina.E foarte interesant, asa, ca sa nu mai tot stropim.

While hoverflies mimic wasps, bees or bumbles they are completely harmless to humans. There is no reason to kill them as they aren't a threat. In the contrary. For about half of the species of hoverfly, the larva are dependent on aphids and thrips for food. Because of this hoverflies are valuable allies in our garden.

How to recognize a hoverfly.
They have the same bright colors as wasps and sometimes the hair of bumblebees, but they cannot sting. Additionally, they are very distinguishable from wasps by their way of flying. They only have two wings instead of the usual four found on bumblebees and wasps. They are therefore very versatile and can even hover in the air. That characteristic helps you remember their name.
Hoverflies owe their name to their ability to stay in one place in the air for a long time. Yet the name is a bit confusing because they do not really hover. In reality the wings move up and down so quickly that all you see of them is a blur. They produce a very light buzz. The rest is therefore apparent. We tried to catch some but they shoot away quick as lightening. They gladly sit on large flowers such as hogweed and angelica, but unlike wasps do not like lemonade and other highly sweetened substances. Wasps also do not hover in the air and suddenly shoot away: they seem to sway more. They will also continually be a nuisance around you as they look for food.

Once they sit still, the differences between wasps and hoverflies can be clearly seen. For example, hoverflies have short, inconspicuous antennas, while those of wasps are remarkably long. If a hoverfly is momentarily pausing between flying it will hold its wings outward like an airplane. A wasp will immediately fold them. However, if fully at rest the hoverfly will fold its wings but even here it is easy to tell the difference. The hoverfly only has one set of wings to fold while the wasp has two sets of folded wings. Finally, the hoverfly has a broad abdomen fixed to the thorax. Wasps have a real contrasting wasp waist, in stark difference to the rest of their body.

Both hoverflies and wasps are important enemies of insect pests. The larvae of many hoverflies actively hunt aphids. The main food of wasp larvae is formed by insects, including many caterpillars. They are caught by workers of the colonies and processed into a paste. This allows them to keep the insect pests in check. It's also why we should not kill them.

Who looks like whom? Some hoverflies look like wasps, not vice-versa. Wasps are generally left alone by predators such as birds and lizards. This resemblance to a wasp offers the hoverfly the same protection. We even find butterflies and beetles imitating the appearance of wasps. This phenomenon is called mimicry.

What can you do? Most types of hoverflies visit umbellifers for food in the form of nectar and pollen. Leave a corner of the garden where they will grow naturally. Think of wild carrot, dill, fennel, Queen Anne's Lace and cow parsley. There are seed mixtures that include these. If you have drier land try tansy of yarrow. There are of course many perennials that display "umbellifer" type flowers, but some annuals or even "weeds" like the blooms of dandelions and willow are also important food sources. And of course, roses! We'd almost forgotten, but many kinds of roses can be used as a food source for hoverflies. In particular the early-flowering species such as Rosa hugonis, glabrifolia and Rosa x 'Nevada' are a real source of pollen and nectar for Mom and Dad Hoverfly!

Sper sa va fie de folos si solutiile de a tine astfel de insecte prin gradina.


La sugestia lui mariast1 am fost la Hornbach.

Plin de trandafiri Tantau, nici nu stiu daca i-am notat pe toti. Ce mai aveau si mie mi s-a parut interesant bujori lactiflora la ghiveci cu soiul trecut si rhododentron rezistent la calcar. Rhododendroni erau multi, dar numai cativa din astia care aveau o eticheta mare cu "lime resistant". Nu scria Inkarho, dar scria ca asta merge la orice fel de sol.

Lista cu trandafiri, dar acuma nu cred ca e completa, va faceti o idee:

-Maria Theresa-Chippendale-Albrecht Durer-Waltzerbaum-Giardino-Ascot-My girl-Augusta Luisa-Heidi Klumm-First Lady-Baronesse-Mirato-Piano
-Barock-Candlelight-Astrid Grafin Von Hardenberg-Rosarium Uetersen-Rosarium Klosterrose-Leonardo da Vinci


Multumim, o parte nu ii cunosc, va trebui sa sap dupa ei. Ce pret? Ai facut ceva la seminte?


Parca 42 lei si 29 lei. Soiurile vechi erau cu 29 si ceva TH.
La seminte n-am ajuns ca n-am avut timp, mi-a luat o gramada sa ma invart prin raionul de plante, si iti dai seama ca n-am plecat de acolo cu mana goala.
Ce ma faceam daca ma duceam si la Brico? +hypno
Am lasat doi mil.


Ce ai achizitionat, daca nu e secret?


Un Rhododendron yakushimanum Anna sau Anne ceva ca nu-mi aduc aminte, niste flori roz-magenta, un Prunus triloba, Paeonia Sarah Bernard (avea si Shirley Temple, l-as fi luat si pe asta), si Rosa Heidi Klumm. Pe Heidi am luat-o ca e micuta (trandafirul ma refer) si imi place floarea si culoarea mai ales, am inteles ca nu sta prea stralucit cu sanatatea. Nu vreti sa stiti cu cati as fi plecat de acolo!